Monday, November 30, 2015

Even Cats Like Whiskey #cats #whiskey #drinking #history #startups

I'll have a whiskey! Swoosh  
Or maybe not.  <--Click for meeoowwagical video. 

Visit us at The Drinking Press, and pour your cat a shot.
Serving the Best in Culture, History, and Libations.

Cheers, Bec

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ginger Ale on the Side #gretagarbo #gingerontheside #whiskey #drinking #history #startup

In the earlier part of the 1900s, whiskey had an association with prostitution that made it unseemly for women to drink the spirit. In the iconic 1930 film (and Garbo's first talking role), Anna Christie, Garbo, who plays a streetwalker, sits down at a bar and orders a whiskey, ginger ale on the side. The exchange says it all:

Anna: Gimme a whiskey, ginger ale on the side. And don't be stingy, baby!
Waiter: (sarcastically) Well, shall I serve it in a pail?Anna: Ah, that suits me down to the ground. 
Cheers, Bec

Anna: (takes a shot) Gee, I needed that bad all right, all right.

Watch the clip, here.

Visit us at The Drinking Presswhere women and whiskey abound.
Serving the Best in Culture, History, and Libations.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to Taste Whiskey - Boss Ass Video #whiskey #tasting #thedrinkingpress #richardpaterson #drinking #history #startup

There are a lot of boring, snooty videos about whiskey tasting. 

THIS is not one of them. You should watch the video for his accent alone, which is plain awesome, and Richard Paterson knows what he's talking about when it comes to tasting blending scotch whiskey. 

He's so badass that he takes a shot, swirls it around, and jets it out of his glass. 

Perhaps not something to do at a restaurant...

My favorite line:
How do you taste it? Don't knock it out like a cowboy.

Visit us at The Drinking Presssay hello, go back to us, how are you, and then go back to us, quite well, thank you very much.

Serving the Best in Culture, History, and Libations.