Thursday, January 7, 2016

What's Your Brew? @TheAtlantic #startup #beer #drinking #history

Long gone are the days when Budweiser could claim to be the undisputed 'King of Beers', and seats on Coors Light's 'Silver Bullet' were sold out. With the craft beer industry booming, and the popularity of foreign beers on the rise, American beer drinking habits are changing, whether they know it or not.

Full article here

My favorite part:
It's a world in which old standbys are faltering (case sales of Miller High Life were down almost 10 percent in 2013 from the prior year). Mexican labels are dominant (Corona, Modelo, and Dos Equis, account for three of the top four imported beers). And a craft-beer company founded only 20 years ago is coming on strong ("Bartender, pour me a Lagunitas").
Visit us at The Drinking Press, and let us know what your favorite beer is.
Serving the Best in Culture, History, and Libations. 

Cheers, Char

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