Thursday, March 10, 2016

An 800 Year History of Women and Whiskey #whiskey #startup #drinking #history

This article talks about the long history of women in the whiskey world: whether it be making, distributing, and even gasp drinking it.

Our favorite outtake:
Even if women weren’t the leaders of bootlegging collectives, men made sure they were in the car because they couldn’t be searched by police. Doing so was considered rude, and searching a woman who was driving alone was actually illegal. As a result, women hid flasks in their dresses, drove trucks filled with liquor, and ran multimillion-dollar operations. Women either were hired by syndicates or created their own bootlegging groups.

Visit us at The Drinking Press, and hide some flasks on your person.

Check out our first episode on Whiskey and Women here.

Serving the Best in Culture, History, and Libations.

Cheers, Jack

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