Sunday, May 1, 2016

S3stat! Our saving grace!

Here at TDP, we're still getting our sea legs. While on this voyage, we know we need to have stats on how many people are listening, and that's where S3stat comes in. 

S3stat lets you (you, being a podcaster) know how many "hits" or times your podcast episode is downloaded.   We pair this with Google Analytics to get a full picture of what we're seeing. 

We currently push TDP via iTunes and our site, and will be moving into other aggregators, like Stitcher. If you have other recommendations on where to drop our episode, let us know!  

S3stat is used with AWS S3, which is what we use to host our sites.  So if you have audio files on AWS S3 and need to know how many times your audio has been downloaded, check these guys out. 

Thanks to the S3stat dashboard, we can see our subscriber list has been growing. 


The TDP Crew

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